
Our database contains 12,707 approved salary profiles from the last 12 months.

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The newest profiles in the salary survey

Gender Position and category Region Company size Age group Gross monthly salary
gender_icon Laboratory Technician Education, Science & Research mazowieckie n/a 6,500.00 PLN
gender_icon Programmer Information Technology pomorskie n/a 28,800.00 PLN
gender_icon Solicitor, Barrister Law & Legislation małopolskie Big company 45-54 17,250.00 PLN
gender_icon Quality Engineer Quality Management śląskie n/a 35-44 11,017.00 PLN
gender_icon IT Architect Information Technology mazowieckie Big company 35-44 25,000.00 PLN
gender_icon Contract Manager Management dolnośląskie n/a 17,500.00 PLN
gender_icon Administrative Worker Administration zachodniopomorskie n/a 35-44 5,900.00 PLN
gender_icon Technologist Chemical Industry śląskie Middle company 25-34 5,550.00 PLN
gender_icon Co-ordinator Transport, Haulage, Logistics dolnośląskie Big company 25-34 8,800.00 PLN
gender_icon Graphic Designer Marketing, Advertising, PR łódzkie Big company 35-44 7,300.00 PLN